Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Routine

1. Wake up
2. Turn on the Baby Gaggia espresso machine
3. Let the machine warm up while I workout
4. Place frothing cup under steam wand to catch drips
5. Run water through the group head
6. Run water through the steam wand
7. Pour hot water from frothing cup into espresso cups (this warms them)
8. Froth milk in the frothing cup and pour into the espresso cups (after pouring out the water, of course)
9. Purge steam through frothing wand and collect in separate cup or glass (use it to clean the group head between multiple brews)
10. Load the filter holder with espresso - tamp down
11. Brew into the espresso cups until the crema is just right (about a 20 count)
12. Drop the spent espresso puck into the knock box
13. Clean the filter holder with the purged steam water
14. Repeat steps 10 - 13 as needed to brew more espresso shots
15. Add sugar to your espresso as desired and stir
16. Enjoy it HOT!

Extra Credit (for the kids):
1. Use left over foam to make "kids' coffee" - otherwise known as "foamy milk" or "milky foam"
2. Use the brown foamy crema/foam combination to draw pictures on the milky foam

-Popular (and easy) pictures include happy faces, sunshine, kitty cats, dogs, stick figures ... use your imagination!

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